The liquid sky

 The ceaseless-seeming showers touch the bosom of the terrain,

And courses its way through the arteries of this Earth.

I look at the regular sight of rain with Oh! such wonder!

gushing down the heavens to become one with the gaia.

I see the desperate drops flowing down the breasts of trees

And dancing on the helms of leaves.

The murmur of the showers increase in the silence of an empty street.

The unusual change outside settles the disputes of my mind.

Leaving me free to churn the ocean of Desires, of Emotions, and ,

Make out of it the curd of utter abnegation and unspeakable love.

In resolute solitude I sit, 

longing to let my heart set free.

Then , come the showers of heaven,

Telling all that I had to say to thee.

"Leaving me free to churn the ocean of desires"

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