The play

    Round and round and round

         In circles he goes ,

 The busy whistle of life at intervals, blows.

   Amidst the chaos a pretty heart he finds

But the search is hopeless, and he feels like giving up before time.

His heart stutters and he falters at his chores.

     At the back of his mind, he thinks, 

      ' If only I could find a shore ! '

    He sits down ,  one moist afternoon 

 Sipping on his tepid tea, pondering on how, the future is like an unchartered sea.

      He stirs the tea with his finger 

    Only to encounter his once stagnant                   thoughts linger.

' What is the use of all this ? ' , he wonders.

     ' But only to play your part well ', 

   Something said from his deepest corner.

 He pulled down the curtain of his eyelids

            And looked Inside, 

      Well, how long could it hide.

With the spectacle of the lights and sound of  nature

      He set out to find , to venture.

        With a flash, he could see ,

A play, and actors, just as they were fit to be.

He sat alone, amidst the emptiness of the hall,      

To find that he stood amongst them all.

    The play went on, he played his part. 

      Now it was time for him to depart.

He looked around to meet the playwright,

    But Oh! What ! He is out of sight! 

With a heavy heart he thought of leaving, 

    Only to hear heartful carols beaming.

The actors he made friends with came to greet,

With the assurance ,

           ' We will surely meet! ' 

Someone said , ' You see, He has asked you to be in the next play! '

he said  with compliance, 'As he may!'

With heavy steps he was walking away,

When someone pulled him to ask, 

             'How did you like the play?'

He thought he saw it all in a simple glance,   

 Just as his tea-cup feel on the floor to break   his trance;                 


   He looked around, to see the changed hues.

             The clouds had sailed                           And the sky was blue.

   As he looked at the fading rainbow , 

           He said to himself, 

          ' Just enjoy the show '

' The play of Life '

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  1. খুব সুন্দর লিখেছিস মা। অনুভূতি আর
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    তোর এই লেখাটির মধ্যে। আশীর্বাদ রইলো
