
Sound has a profound influence on us. We are intricately weaved with the element of sound. If you hear a divine Carnatic set , or the tunes of the sitar playing amidst heavy showers with thunders in the background, you tend to feel transcendental. 

Sound  or perhaps music, corresponds to our emotions as well.

When we hear a sad guitar or a jolly good tune , we start feeling likewise . Everything around us is intertwined with sound vibrations.

The fact that the maestro of Akbar's court , one of his Navaratna's, Tansen , could bring rains after his revitalise not even a little bit of exaggeration.

How when a heart ful song is sung and the strings of the heart are plucked , eyes become moist. How can the overwhelming song of the Soul keep the sky from shedding its tears and giving everything a sense of utter completeness - like a vessel filled to the brim.

We have often seen how devotees on Chanting the Lord's name:

       " Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" 


The transcendental bliss of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Are completely engrossed in Bhava or ecstatic bliss, and shed tears profusely. They become one with the essence of the mantra , they become one with their beloved and there is none. They taste the infinite . This is indeed , absolute conpletion . The fulfilment of life, cessation of desires and hence the end of all misery.

When you hear a piece of music, any music, did you ever feel you became one with the music , so much so that you forget all about yourself. These moments when we forget ourselves bring unnatural joy. . When we forget ourselves , we are not  Someone , we are but our True Selves. 

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