Nada Brahma

 Sound is fundamental to everything that exists. We live amidst vibrations all the time , but our conditionings prevent us from perceiving it. 

Everything is fined tuned. The thumping of our heart, the surge of blood in our veins , the silence - laden  ascent and descent of our chest when we breathe, the stomp of our steps, the flick of our hair, the  ceaseless closing and opening of our eyes , everything is in an undescribable harmony,  dancing to an unheard tune. 

It is a symphony , one that cannot be recreated no matter how big a musical prodigy you are. 


Om - the eternal hum

Yogis have often talked about the " Anahata "- the unstruck sound . The cosmic vibration of  Om is meditated upon to bring the senses in alignment with that of the tune of the universe.

The cosmic form of Nataraja - in perfect balance , symbolises the dance of destruction and rejuvenation. He is necessarily destroying everything in his dance to the tunes of the eternal hum of  Hiranyagarbha ( the golden egg).

Nada brahma or shabda brahma is the essence of consciousness. 

Mantras mean infinity. The sound vibration is beyond the cognition of the mind , and mind naturally moves into a meditative state. 

   " Mañana Trayete iti Mantra "

- a mantra is that which saves you from repetitiveness. A repetitive thought is a worry . A mantra breaks that chain and the vibration eventually brings you to a more restful and  serene state of mind. 

A Mantra , sung in the right metre , knocks the right doors and eventually flings it open.  It is like programing your brain to a particular thought. When the meaning associated with the mantra is imbibed while chanting it , we programme our brains accordingly.

The entire Sama Veda , is dedicated to music. 

The beautiful vedic hymns, if  constantly sung in metre, brings a sense of transcendence .

Chanting or sound vibration is a way of programming the mind in an affirmative way- making it disciplined and eventually still like an unflickering  flame. With such a mind one can attain anything desired.

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